28th October 2004 : Integration of Cofratel into France Télécom - In response to a request for opinion by the FICOME, the Conseil recommends unbundled accounts and information

Decision of

Decision 04-D-48 of 14 October 2004 on practices implemented by France Telecom, SFR Cegetel and Bouygues Telecom

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Decision of

Decision 04-D-18 of 13 May 2004 on the execution of Decision 00-MC-01 of 18 February 2000 on a request for interim measures from the 9 Télécom Réseau company

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

1st December 2003 : The Conseil de la concurrence observes the end of TDF's monopoly on broadcasting programmes for Radio France and imposes interim measures

15th September 2003 : Universal directory : France Télécom sanctioned by the Conseil de la concurrence for breaching an injunction