Independent public and administrative authorities develop their collaboration on the challenges of climate warming

The Autorité de la concurrence clears the acquisition of Softeam by Le Groupe La Poste

@Echelle: Cédric O presents the government’s priorities on digital policy

The Autorité welcomed Mr. Cédric O, Minister of State for the Digital Sector, as part of its @Echelle event on 28 November, regarding the update of antitrust and digital regulation.

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The Autorité de la concurrence and the Bundeskartellamt present a joint study on algorithms

The Autorité de la concurrence and the German Bundeskartellamt have presented a joint study on algorithms and competition, during a conference at the École nationale d'administration (ENA).

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Algorithms and competition: the Autorité and the Bundeskartellamt publish their joint study

Today, the Autorité de la concurrence launched the possibility for companies to notify online certain mergers.

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Opinion of

on data processing in the online advertising sector

Presentation of the notice

Information about the notice

Decision of

on the request by Amadeus for interim measures

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Philip Marsden, co-author of the Furman report on "unlocking digital competition", presents the report's recommendations on the sidelines of @Echelle, an event organized on 5 September 2019.