Opinion of

on data processing in the online advertising sector

Presentation of the notice

Information about the notice

Decision of

on the request by Amadeus for interim measures

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Philip Marsden, co-author of the Furman report on "unlocking digital competition", presents the report's recommendations on the sidelines of @Echelle, an event organized on 5 September 2019.

Decision of

regarding the sole control acquisition of Illiad 7 company by Cellnex France Groupe company

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Data-driven regulation : regulators publish a dedicated memorandum

Several French regulators (the Autorité de la concurrence, AMF, Arafer, Arcep, CNIL, CRE and CSA) worked together to draft a dedicated memorandum on data-driven regulation, process that allows, the ability to make stakeholders more accountable, increases the regulator's capacity for analysis and makes more information available to users and civil society.

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The Autorité de la concurrence is, for the first time, looking at the phenomenon of "influencers"

The Autorité de la concurrence has ordered interim measures against Google

The Autorité de la concurrence declines jurisdiction in favour of the administrative judge for the examination of the practices of which the French Medical Council (Conseil de l'Ordre des médecins) and the French Dental Surgeons Council (Conseil de l'Ordre des chirurgiens-dentistes) have accused Groupon