Aldi – Leader Price transaction: The Autorité clears the acquisition of 554 Leader Price stores and 2 Casino stores by Aldi, subject to the divestiture of 9 stores

Food distribution, fuel distribution, maritime services and waste management: the Autorité delivers its opinion on the competitive situation in Corsica island

Following an investigation lasting several months, the Autorité today issues its opinion on the competitive situation on the island.

The Autorité carried out an in-depth analysis of the level of economic concentration in four sectors: maritime services to Corsica, fuel distribution, food distribution in supermarkets and hypermarkets and waste management.

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Opinion of

on the level of market concentration in Corsica and its impact on local competition

Presentation of the notice

Information about the notice

Food distribution, fuel distribution, maritime services and waste management: the Autorité delivers its opinion on the competitive situation in Corsica island

Exclusive imports in the French Antilles: Nicolas Feuillatte champagne and two importer-distributors fined

Decision of

regarding practices implemented in the sector for the sale of champagne in the French Antilles and Guiana

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Nicolas Feuillatte champagne and two importer-distributors fined for having maintained exclusive import agreements in the French Antilles

Playstation: the Autorité considers that the commitments proposed by Sony do not adequately address the identified competition concerns.

Playstation: the Autorité considers that the commitments proposed by Sony do not adequately address the identified competition concerns. The case is returned for investigation.