Côtes de Gascogne PGI wines: SAS Distribution du Domaine d’Uby fined for imposing minimum resale prices on its distributors

Côtes de Gascogne PGI wines: the Autorité de la concurrence sanctions SAS Distribution du Domaine d’Uby for imposing minimum resale prices on its distributors

Following a report prepared by the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Occitania and Corsica Interregional Competition Investigation Brigade (BIEC), the Autorité de la concurrence has imposed a fine of €500,000 on SAS Distribution du Domaine d’Uby (SDU), jointly and severally with its parent company, for engaging in cartel practices aimed at imposing on its distributors a minimum resale price for “Uby” wines, marketed under the “Côtes de Gascogne” protected geographical indication (PGI), and Armagnacs.

The evidence in the file shows that SDU issued recommended prices to its distributers, which the latter were required to respect. SDU also monitored compliance with the pricing instructions, even going so far as to sanction any distributors that persisted in ignoring the instructions, by delaying deliveries.

SDU did not contest the facts alleged by the Autorité de la concurrence and benefited from the settlement procedure.

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