Decision of

Decision 03-D-66 of 23 December 2003 on practices implemented by Renault and Groupement des concessionnaires Renault (GCR) in the vehicle distribution sector

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Decision of

Decision 03-D-60 of 17 December 2003 on practices implemented in the luxury watch sector

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Decision of

Decision 03-D-45 of 25 September 2003 on practices implemented in the sector of calculators for schools

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Decision of

Decision 03-D-42 of 18 August 2003 on practices implemented by Suzuki and other companies in the market of motorcycle distribution

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Decision of

Decision 03-D-17 of 31 March 2003 on practices implemented in the sector of petrol distribution on motorways

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Decision of

Decision 03-D-35 of 24 July 2003 on practices implemented by the Sandoz laboratories, called Novartis Pharma SA since 1997, in the market of certain pharmaceutical specialties for hostpitals

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

1st August 2003 : Laboratoires SANDOZ sanctioned for abusing their monopoly in the cyclosporin market

1st April 2003 : Fuel distribution on motorways : the Conseil de la concurrence hands down sanctions against the major oil companies

Decision of

Decision 03-D-12 of 3 March 2003 on the precast concrete stairways sector

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

20th January 2003 : Medical gases for use in hospitals : the Conseil de la concurrence sanctions practices by two subsidiaries of the Air Liquide Group