The Autorité clarifies the options of a professional association for dealing with its members’ rent during the COVID-19 pandemic

Decision of

Regarding the compliance with the commitments contained in the decision of the Autorité de la concurrence n° 14-D-04 of 25 February 2014 regarding practices implemented in the online horse betting sector

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

The Autorité de la concurrence fines PMU for not complying with its commitment to separate the betting pools of its physical outlets and its website

Decision of

regarding practices implemented in the sector of parcel deliveries

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

La Poste makes commitments to the Autorité de la concurrence regarding the calculation of its discounts on parcel deliveries.

Home Removals: the Autorité de la concurrence fines five businesses in La Réunion for engaging in concerted practices.

Home Removals: the Autorité de la concurrence fines five companies in La Réunion for engaging in concerted practices.