In-depth examination into Elsan's plans to acquire Hexagone Santé Méditerranée

Elsan notified the Autorité de la concurrence of its plans to take exclusive control of Hexagone Santé Méditerranée (HSM).

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The Autorité de la concurrence has begun an in-depth (Phase 2) examination into Elsan’s plans to acquire Hexagone Santé Méditerranée

The Autorité has fined the companies bioMérieux and Guyane Service Médical for continuing to implement an exclusive import agreement, after the Lurel Act came into force.

Decision of

regarding practices implemented in the marketing of instruments and reagents for hospital biological laboratories on the French Guyana territory

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

After several months of investigation and a large public consultation, the Autorité de la concurrence releases the findings of its healthcare sector inquiry

Decision of

regarding practices implemented in the sector of the online promotion of medical procedures

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

The Autorité de la concurrence declines jurisdiction in favour of the administrative judge for the examination of the practices of which the French Medical Council (Conseil de l'Ordre des médecins) and the French Dental Surgeons Council (Conseil de l'Ordre des chirurgiens-dentistes) have accused Groupon