The Autorité clears the acquisition of the Rolls-Royce Group's safety instrumentation and control business by Framatome, an EDF subsidiary

Decision of

regarding the joint takeover of Dijon Metropole Smart Energhy by Dijon Métropole and companies Storengy and Rougeot Énergie Invest

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

The Autorité blocks a takeover transaction in the hydrocarbon transport by pipeline sector

Hydrocarbon transport by pipeline: the Autorité blocks the takeover of Société du Pipeline Méditerranée-Rhône (SPMR) by Ardian group

Green light, subject to condition, to the takeover of Suez RV OSIS by SARP, a subsidiary of Veolia

Decision of

regarding the exclusive control acquisition of Suez RV OSIS by Société d’Assainissement Rationnel et de Pompage

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

The Autorité de la concurrence clears, subject to the divestment of assets in Île-de-France, the takeover of Suez RV OSIS by SARP, a subsidiary of Veolia

After receiving a complaint from an electricity supplier, the Autorité has not issued urgent interim measures against EDF but continues its investigation into the merits of the case

Decision of

regarding a request for interim measures by Plüm Energie in the sector of the supply of electricity in France

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

After receiving a complaint from an electricity supplier, the Autorité de la concurrence has not issued urgent interim measures against EDF but continues its investigation into the merits of the case