Decision of

Decision 02-D-61 of 27 September 2002 on a referral submitted by the Société Moderne d'Assainissement et de nettoiement (SMA), relating to practices identified in the attribution of the market for the exploitation of the dump of Bagnols-en-Forêt

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Decision of

Decision 02-D-43 of 2 July 2002 on practices identified in markets for works on water distribution networks, entered into by the Syndicat intercommunal d'alimentation en eau de la région de Dunkerque (SIAERD)

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Decision of

Decision 02-D-44 of 11 July 2002 on competition in the drinking water and sewage sectors, notable regarding the pooling of means to answer calls for tenders

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

17th July 2002 : Water market : the Conseil de la concurrence asks the Minister to raise questions over the joint subsidiaries of CGE and SLDE

Decision of

Decision 00-D-20 of 17 May 2000 on practices identified in procurements for rural electrification in the Somme

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision