26 January 2012: The civil engineering sector in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon

Decision of

Decision 11-D-13 of 5 October 2011 on practices identified in the sectors of electrification and electrical installation works in the Midi-Pyrénées, Languedoc-Roussillon, Auvergne and bordering areas

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Decision of

Decision 11-D-02 of 26 January 2001 on practices implemented in the sector of the restoration of historic monuments

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Decision of

regarding practices implemented in the cargo handling sector in La Réunion

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

The Autorité penalizes the three main container handling companies for having agreed on the prices of their services

The Autorité de la concurrence has fined 8 companies, including major players in the sector, for having reached anticompetitive agreements for nearly 10 years for almost all of the contracts tendered by french local authorities