Decision of

regarding practices in the thermal insulation sector

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Decision of

regarding the sole control acquisition of Distribution de Matériaux pour les Travaux Publics company by Frans Bonhomme group

Presentation of the decision

Information about the decision

Green light, subject to conditions, to the acquisition of Point P Travaux Publics by Frans Bonhomme

The Autorité de la concurrence clears, subject to conditions, the acquisition of Distribution de Matériaux pour les Travaux Publics (Point P Travaux Publics) by Frans Bonhomme

The Ordre des architectes is fined a total of €1.5 million for anticompetitive agreement

L’autorité de la concurrence fined the Ordre des architectes a total of €1.5 million for implementing anticompetitive practices.

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The Autorité de la concurrence clears the acquisition of Meccoli by Eiffage Infrastructures