
The Autorité de la concurrence clears the acquisition of TODD group by the company Alliance Automotive France

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After examining the transaction, the Autorité has given the green light to the acquisition of TODD group by the company Alliance Automotive France.

On 2 September 2019, the company Alliance Automotive France (hereinafter « AAF ») notified the Autorité de la concurrence of its plan to take over TODD group. By a decision issued today, the Autorité clears the transaction without conditions.

Parties to the transaction

Alliance Automotive France is a subsidiary of Alliance Automotive Group (« AAG ») group, ultimately controlled by the American company Genuine Parts Company. It is active in the markets of accessories and original parts for light vehicles and heavy good vehicles, as well as in the markets of maintenance services. In France, the automotive distribution activity of AAG is organised into the distribution groups Groupauto, Precisium, Partner's and Gef'Auto. Furthermore, AAG runs franchise networks Etape Auto and Etape Auto Relais as well as Pièces Auto and Pièces Auto Relais.

TODD group is running a group purchasing organization, spare parts and accessories wholesale distribution, and heavy good vehicles repair activity operating under the brands TODD and Safir.

The transaction is not likely to harm competition

The Autorité notably examined if the acquisition of TODD group by an international group was likely to restrict competition in the markets of spare parts supply, wholesale distribution of automotive parts and distribution of vehicles maintenance and repair services in France.

The Autorité acknowledged the transaction does not significantly strengthen the position of the new entity in these markets, the competitive pressure from companies such as Autodis Group, CBM or Renault Trucks remained very important.

The Autorité thus cleared this transaction without conditions.

> Full text of the decision will soon be available on the Autorité's website.


Bertille Gauthier
Bertille Gauthier
Communications Officer
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