Life of the institution

Appointment of Vivien Terrien as Vice-President of the Autorité de la concurrence and re-appointment of several members of the Board

Vivien Terrien

By decree of the President of the French Republic, Vivien Terrien has been appointed Vice-President of the Autorité de la concurrence, succeeding Henri Piffaut. The Autorité would like to express its thanks, once again, to Henri Piffaut for all his work during his term of office.

The following members of the Board of the Autorité de la concurrence have also been re-appointed: Valérie Bros, General Counsel at OPmobility (formerly Plastic Omnium); Catherine Prieto, Professor of Law at Paris I University; Savinien Grignon-Dumoulin, judge at the French Supreme Court (Cour de cassation); and Jérôme Pouyet, Associate Professor at École supérieure des sciences économiques et commerciales (ESSEC). The appointment of the other members of the Board is under way. The Autorité would like to thank Laurence Borrel-Prat, who indicated that she did not wish to seek re-appointment.


Vivien Terrien holds a Master of Laws (LL.M) from Harvard Law School, a Master’s degree in European Studies (LL.M) from the College of Europe and a Master’s degree in European Union Law (DEA) from Paris II Panthéon Assas University. He is also a member of the Paris and New York bars.

From 2002 to 2009, Vivien Terrien practiced as a lawyer in French and European competition law, before joining the General Court of the European Union as legal clerk (référendaire) in the office of Judge Marc Jaeger (Luxembourg).

An honorary member of the European Lawyers’ Union, Vivien Terrien also serves as non-governmental advisor to the International Competition Network (ICN) for the Luxembourg Competition Authority and as member of the Board and of the Scientific Committee of the Research Institute Advancing Competition Law and Economics in Small Market and Insular Economies (ISLE).

Moreover, he has been an alternate member of the Polynesian Competition Authority since February 2014.

In parallel, since 2014 Vivien Terrien has taught competition law to Master’s students at Paris II Panthéon Assas University, the Catholic University of Paris (ICP), the University of Pau and the Adour Region (UPPA) and the University of Lorraine (UL).


Nicola Crawford
Nicola Crawford
Communication officer
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