2 November 2016: The Autorité de la concurrence clears the acquisition of Bazarchic by the Galeries Lafayette group

galeries lafayette

The Galeries Lafayette group notified the Autorité de la Concurrence on 27 September 2016 of its intention to acquire the Bazarchic Company. After considering the transaction’s effects on the end of line products and travel services markets, the Autorité gave clearance to the acquisition.
The Galeries Lafayette group and Bazarchic are carrying out similar activities on several markets

The Galeries Lafayette group, which runs numerous department stores and retail websites, is a key player in the fashion, luxury, beauty, leisure and home interior retail sectors in France. Furthermore, the group operates voyages.galerieslafayette.com, a website that offers tour operator and travel agency services.

The Bazarchic company is specialized in selective sales events of high-end products of fashion, home interior, wine, spirits via Bazarchic.com and major travel brands via Mytravelchic.com. Bazarchic also owns 5 brick-and-mortar stores, located in Paris (16th arrondissement), Clichy (92), Grenoble (38) as well as in the Vélizy 1 (78) and Vélizy 2 (78) shopping malls.

Therefore, the parties to the transaction are in competition in the outlet products and travel services markets.
After proceeding to a competitive analysis, the Autorité has found that the transaction is not likely to harm competition

The Galeries Lafayette group and the Bazarchic company hold limited positions in the in-store and online markets for outlet items and in the travel services market. These positions do not call into question the structure of the markets, given the presence, among other things, of numerous competitors in France.

As these positions are limited, the risks to competition arising from a potential exclusive sourcing by the Bazarchic company of end of line products from the Galeries Lafayette group have been dismissed.

> To consult the full text of Decision 16-DCC-166 of 31 October 2016 relating to the acquisition of Bazarchic by the Galeries Lafayette group

> Contact presse : Chloé Duretête / Tél. : 01 55 04 01 20 /  Email





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