
Les Rendez-vous de l'Autorité on algorithms: watch the event online!

On 6 November, the Rendez-vous de l'Autorité on algorithms was held at the École Nationale d'Administration, organized in partnership with the German competition authority.

You can now watch the event summed in pictures and videos!


Isabelle de Silva and Andreas Mundt, Presidents of the two competition authorities, first presented the study carried jointly by the two institutions, which draws up a panorama of the different type of algorithms and competition issues arising from their use.


A sneak peek at the event

  • The first roundtable focused on the practical aspects of the use of algorithms from a business point of view.
  • The second roundtable addressed the issues raised by price algorithms and the risk of horizontal collusion from a more theoretical perspective.
  • Finally the last roundtable dealt with the consequences and challenges posed by algorithms to competition regulators.



Watch the photos from the event

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